Moving in Life

I’ve got my plants packed up and little orange stickers on all of my cube items.  Everything is packed away in blue bins and ready for transport.

Only problem…they aren’t being moved until Wednesday morning…We are packing computers and phones tomorrow so I am not really sure what the day will bring, but it should be interesting.

I had leftover wheat berry salad and chard along with my first pear of the season from the FM.



The cucs had gotten a little soggie but the wheat berries were still nice a chewy!  I really need to make them more often.  Check out this huge chard leaf.


After seeing this article pop up around blog land I knew I need to read it : Getting Real about the High Price of Cheap Food Similar notes as Food INC.  but still very interesting.  I also really enjoyed the embedded stories within the article, especially the ones that showed typical grocery hauls from around the world.  Honestly these pictures really make Americans look like processed food pigs.

Snackage happened around 3:30 when I got bored/hungry.  I had the typical blueberry oat round and orange seltzer…and of course I forgot to snap a shot.

Mondays are usually spin nights, but Nick and I are signing up for a new gym that is closer to the new apt tonight and if I wanted $60 off I had to go sign up today.  I am hoping that I can get out of my current gym contract with some help from my 401K but we will see.  Either way I will be saving money in the long run even if I have to spend a little extra right now.  Before out apt. I had a cinnamon roll Larabar.  “Was that supposed to taste like a cinnamon roll?”  That is what I was thinking after I ate it.

009Good thing I had this around 6pm because I was already getting hungry and didn’t end up eating dinner til 8pm.  I wasn’t super hungry so I took my time creating.

Smashed chicken breast with eggplant and Dinosaur BBQ sauce stacked on an Arnold Sami thin.  I also had a salad with heirloom mater, pepper and cuc.

010011This was almost too much food, but I finished 🙂  No need for dessert tonight, I’m stuffed!

Time for the season finale of Weeds!

Woohoo Monday is over!