Super Bowl Snow

We made it through the snow!  It is nice and sunny out now, and I am dreading digging out my car today.

Here are some pictures from yesterdays snow.


The wind covered our window in snow.

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Sissy’s entertainment of the day.

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Walkway and yes those mounds are cars.

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Nick and I went for a walk before digging out his car.016 This snow mound was almost up to my arm pit.  When we dug the car out it came up to my waist.  We got 27in, the most amount of snow on record.

To warm me through the day I had Sissy.

001 She doesn’t look happy, but she really does like napping like this.

002 004 Amy’s soup and toast with cheese.

The best thing I made yesterday was Brandi’s Applesauce Chocolate Ginger Cake


This cake was so delicious!  I was worried Nick would not like it because of the ginger but he ate a giant piece and gave me 2 thumbs up!  I am glad I got a chance to use the crystallized ginger my grandmother had given me for Christmas, I had been raking my brain for a good recipe!

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I loved the crunchy crust with the warm moist bread.  I had two pieces throughout the afternoon.

After Nick and I went for out walk and digging adventure, I didn’t want to make anything for dinner.  I had a grilled chicken breast from earlier in the week and I just made a simple chicken salad. with Greek Yogurt.

018 Chicken salad:

  • cumin lemon grilled chicken breast
  • cumin
  • lemon juice
  • Greek yogurt
  • celery
  • tomatoes
  • S&P


I also had a glass of my favorite brew.  I took me forever to drink it because I was still thawing out!

I passed out on the couch watching Mean Girls and would not move when Nick tried to get me to play Scene It.  I think I am fighting some sort of cold coming on.  I have been really sleepy lately.

This morning I had no idea what to make for breakfast, I was still feeling a little off.  I just went with French toast.


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regular french toasted topped with a microwaved apple with cinnamon and maple syrup and a quinoa crunch bar.

It was good, but I am just not feeling anything today.

I need to plan my super bowl menu for this afternoon.  It is going to be simple because I don’t know how many people are going to be able to make it.  Chili, cornbread, the rest of my ginger chocolate cake, chips and guac, mixed nuts and a veggie plate.

Ta Ta for now!

Who are you cheering for this afternoon?

I know it shouldn’t, but I will be cheering for the Colts.  I really just like Payton Manning.

See ya later gators!

One Comment on “Super Bowl Snow”

  1. Brandi says:

    glad you liked the bread! we devoured 1/2 the loaf the first night! 🙂

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